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Bullet Journal: Interruptions

We start our bullet journals and our blogs with the best of intentions. We will plan each night, we will strike off everything we’ve done, we will fill in our habit trackers, and we will write a blog post every week.


I have clearly fallen behind on that last. I’ve also not been totally thorough with either my bullet journal, or my personal one. Last week was especially difficult.

Things happened. I had a three day holiday looming and all but unplanned. Current events were horrible. Even Mother’s Day is difficult.

And then the three day holiday happened. Shabbat is Shabbat, and holidays are barely less strict – we can cook with certain restrictions and we can carry more places with certain restrictions.

This ended 9PM Monday. I’m tired. I did get the holiday planned and I was helped by lunch invitations, but it’s still a lot, and a lot of blank days.

For someone else, it could be travel or illness, or personal tragedy, or maybe just too much life. Even if it’s something you planned, it might take up time or energy you can’t spare for anything else.

With a blog, you just pick up. It’s the same thing with a bullet journal. You just pick up again where you left off. Don’t worry about skipped dailies, if you do dailies, or enough weekly boxes. Even if you have a sparsely filled habit tracker.

The important thing is to go on. Tweak if you must, or want, concentrate on different things in your journal if you feel the need or desire, but don’t give up.

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